The file txtgroup. c, which is included in the ZIP file attached at the end of this article, provides an example of how you can populate the functions pointer for the group plug-in library. 本文后面附带的zip文件中的txtgroup.c文件提供了一个例子,演示如何填充组插件库的函数指针。
We have several of the volumes in our software tools technology group library at WPI. 在WPI,在我们的软件工具技术组图书馆内我们有其中的几卷。
The local documents construction of Chongqing Daily News Group Library has great practical significance for the Chongqing media as well as for the whole society. 2 Refs. 重庆日报报业集团图书馆地方文献工作的构建,对于重庆的新闻界乃至全社会具有很大的现实意义。参考文献2。
The catalog will point you to the location of a particular source, or group of sources, that the library owns on your topic. 它将会指引你找到图书馆在你需要的主题上拥有的特别的一项的资料,或者一组资料。
The Shui ethnic group literature are carriers ( handwritten or library materials) which record the related information and researches of the Shui ethnic group culture. 水书文献是指用水族古文字记载水族相关知识的手抄珍稀文本及对水族文化研究形成的图书资料。
However, group approval cannot share the same document library with other workflow solutions because it uses a document library exclusively. 不过,由于中文电子审批流程以独占方式使用文档库,因此它不能与其他工作流解决方案共享同一个文档库。
Student and instructors can upload files in most document formats to a shared course library, or to a shared group library. 学生和教师可以上传许多格式的文档至共享课程库,也可共享组的库。
The contact is the individual user or group with overall responsibility for the document library. 联系人是承担文档库全部责任的个人用户或组。
Taking care of Underprivileged Group& New Theme of Library Service 关怀弱势群体&图书馆服务工作的新课题
One-way function which mapped from server keys to group keys is designed in client function library. 同时在客户端函数库内通过设计一个单向映射机制实现从服务器组密钥到群组密钥变换。
Generation of minor group cross section library for micro beryllium-reflex layer fast reactor 微小型铍反射层快中子堆专用群截面数据库的制作
Generation of a Group Constants Library for Uranium Zirconium Hydride Reactor and Some Calculations of Core and Safety Parameters 铀氢锆堆群常数库的生成及堆芯的物理和安全参数的计算
Methods: RCTS were identified from specialized trials registered in Cochrane muscle bone group, the Cochrane library additional electronic search ( including MEDLINE, EMBASE and CBM), referance lists of articles, we hand search some Chinese Journals. 方法:检索Cochrane图书馆,Cochrane协作网肌骨专业试验数据库,Medline,荷兰医学文摘,中国生物医学文献数据库,手工检索中文文献。
This paper gives an analysis on the disabled user group which needs barrier-free library services and emphasizes on the significance of barrier-free services as the library service ideology. It also discusses the four major features of current barrier-free library service, especially the features of network-based service models. 分析了图书馆的残疾读者群体,指出信息无障碍是世界图书馆服务的宗旨,研究了当代图书馆信息无障碍服务的四大特征,提出了当代图书馆信息无障碍的网络服务特征。
Students 'Vulnerable Group should Be Aided by College Library 高校图书馆应帮助弱势学生群体
The paper has introduced the case study of Shandong Normal University electronic resources purchase group, discussed the construction, element and principle of cooperation group, and expounded the functions in library management. 以山东师范大学电子资源采购工作小组为例,论述了协作小组的组织结构、要素及原则,阐明了其在图书馆管理中不可缺少的作用。
Application of Cooperation Group in Library Management& Case Study on Shandong Normal University Electronic Resources Purchase Group 协作小组在图书馆管理中的应用&山东师范大学电子资源采购小组案例介绍
Thermal Reactor Benchmark Testing of 69 Group Library 69群库的热堆基准检验
We should promote the internationalization and popularization of academic researches and their results and train a group of capable library professionals. 要推动学术研究及其成果的国际化、普及化,要通过学术研究培养人才,加强专业队伍建设。
In this paper, the authors introduce the patterns of Web Mail customization services, including question answer interactive customization services, customized information delivery, small group services of library information resources, and group customization services of library information release. WebMail个性化定制服务的方式有:有问必答的互动式个性化服务,用户个性化信息的定时发送,图书馆信息资源的小群体服务,图书馆信息发布的群体定制服务。
Application of MPLS VPN Technology Group Library of the School in the Higher Education Garden An analysis of the authors of Chinese Journal of Medical Library 多协议标记交换技术在高教园区图书馆群中的应用《中华医学图书馆杂志》作者群的分析
Because of its special collection and reader group, the fine arts specialty library has a fixed characteristic to its work. 美术专业图书馆因其特殊的馆藏、特殊的读者群,在读者服务工作上也体现出一定的特色。
The Construction of a Group of High Quality Library Stuff for the College and Institute 建设一支高素质的高校图书馆员队伍
Cohesive Force of Group in Library 图书馆群体凝聚力探析
Library network can be subdivided into server groups and terminal groups, the sever group construction is the focus of the library network. 图书馆网络又分为服务器群和终端群,服务器群的结构是图书馆网络的重点。
Analysis of Tactics about Group Purchase of Database in Library 图书馆数据库资源集团采购策略分析
This paper is based on the project named "China mobile communications management institute web portal transformation and group level course library construction". 本文在中国移动通信管理学院门户网站改造及集团级课程库建设项目的成功实施之后,详细介绍并总结了管院门户网站刊物模块的设计流程及开发经验。